The Psychology Book Store
Organizational Psychology
Another section of the bookstore contains books concerning the engagement of professional psychologists as organizational consultants. Here is a featured book in this section of the book store.
consultbook: A Guide to Organizational Strategies and Practices
Authors: William Bergquist and Agnes Mura
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During the past several decades, organizations throughout the world have undergone a transition so profound as to be revolutionary. Turbulent public policies and regulations, fickle consumer needs and interests, shifting values about the quality of life and work, and the intrusion and acceleration of technological achievements have all brought at times almost unbearable pressure on corporations, social service agencies, schools, governmental bureaus, and other complex organizations. The demands for new modes of organization consultation have been very much both a part of and a response to these rapidly changing conditions.
In attempting to respond to these critical issues, most organizational consultants have found little time for reflection on the nature of their practice or for expansion of the range and scope of their tools and strategies. Consultbook is intended to provide just such a resource, one which will enable the practitioner to reflect on and expand their own perspectives and preferences regarding ways in which to improve organizational functions and fully engage human capital. This book is also intended as a resource for those who wish to practice an appreciative approach to organizational consultation. We build our model of organizational coaching on the foundation of a strongly held tenant regarding the appreciation of human capital in contemporary organization. We offer a variety of organizational consulting strategies and practices that lead through appreciation to the powerful, energizing release of human capital for the achievement of organizational success.
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There is a companion book to consultbook, called coachbook, which is avaiable through amazon.com. Here is a description of this book and a link to amazon.com for its purchase.
coachbook: A Guide to Organizational Coaching Strategies and Practices
Authors: William Bergquist and Agnes Mura
This book addresses itself to the executive corporate Coaches who support leaders on their journey of achievement. Coachbook provides the most comprehensive survey for the practicing organizational coach and those who coordinate coaching programs within organizations.
It updates and contextualizes the thinking of the experienced coach, and provides a well-researched foundation for the newer coach. The field called organizational coaching emerged at the same time (during the 1990s) as many organizational analysts began identifying and describing a postmodern world of complexity, unpredictability and turbulence.
In this world, leaders (and their coaches) find the edges of their personal and professional abilities constantly challenged by flatter, networked, global workforces and vertiginously changing business landscapes. Equipped with personal leadership and business experience as well as scholarly backgrounds in organizational psychology, philosophy, linguistics and executive development, Bergquist and Mura have 50 combined years of working as coaches throughout the world. Interweaving theory and practice, they have constructed a framework of masterful organizational coaching strategies that address the most frequent and delicate coaching scenarios.
In Chapter One, the authors describe multiple ways in which an appreciative approach may be applied as a powerful coaching strategy that not only doesn’t dull the results-focus of the coaching but actually maximizes its chances of success. They then turn in Chapter Two to the sophisticated interpersonal communication tools needed by anyone who wishes to provide effective organizational coaching. In Chapter Three, Bergquist and Mura differentiate between three clusters of coaching models and offer a comprehensive taxonomy of organizational coaching that provides an invaluable map for the professional coach. The authors focus in detail on each of these three coaching clusters in the following three chapters of Coachbook.
Specifically, in Chapter Four they describe Behavioral coaching, the processes by which coaches help leaders refine or transform their one-on-one as well as team interactions. Decisional coaching focuses on dealing with the choices and dilemmas facing leaders in modern working life; it is described in Chapter Five. Chapter Six concerns the cluster of models that relate to Aspirational Coaching as it addresses more values and purpose based coaching issues. The last section of the book includes over 30 ready-to-use Coaching Resources – tools that have been carefully selected and have repeatedly proven useful and appropriate in a vast variety of challenging coaching engagements. The authors expect to interact with their readers in order to improve and expand this collection in the future.
This book is available from Amazon at a cost of $28.50.
- Posted by William Bergquist
- On April 18, 2023
- 0 Comment