We have prepared the following brief checklist. Pick the score that best describes your own status or aspirations with regard to each of four factors and then multiple the four scores to obtain your own total score. We offer suggestions about potential graduate schools to contact based on your score. Here is the formula:
N30 * $ * C * E = Your score
[These four factors are all multipliers – they are not factors that simply add to one another. The power of each factor multiplies the impact of every other factor. A “zero” in any one factor yields a “zero” for the entire equation.]
Using your total score as a guideline, we then offer suggestions of the doctoral program in psychology and graduate school that you might want to consider attending. In several instances, we offer links to specific graduate programs. Please note that none of these identified graduate schools have paid for this endorsement and that our recommendation is based on broad-based reputation and reports from some of their students. Obviously, much more careful review is needed before selecting any of these institutions.
Your score: __________
Your score: __________
Your score: __________
Your score: __________
N30 * $ * C * E = Your score
Multiple These Four Scores [For example: 3[N30] * 4 [$] * 2 [C] * 3 [E] = 72]
Your Total Score: ___________ [Between 1 and 625]