Center for Personal and Organizational Assessment
Job/Team Design Assessments
CPOA offers a unique set of tools that provide an overlap between the world of the individual employee and the world of the organization in which they operate. Each of these tools yields insights regarding how to design an environment that is most empowering to the individual employee and the team in which they are working. Following are the available job/team design inventories.
JT 1. TEAM Inventory
This assessment instrument enables a team to determine and influence the environment in which they are operating so that they might be most effective. Four elements are identified, several of which the team controls and several that the team doesn’t control. Two of the elements concern the resources that are provided by the team (supply) and several are provided from outside (demand).
The four elements are
• Triangulation/support (external/supply) (T),
• Expectations/responsibilities (external/demand) (E),
• Authority/command (internal/supply) (A) and
• Motivation/energy (internal/demand) (M).
Each element has both a tangible and intangible foundation and is rated with regard to both tangible and intangible strength. With scores for all four elements and lines drawn between the two supply and two demand elements, members of a team can determine the extent to which their team is “designed” in a manner that tends to enhance performance or diminish performance.
The TEAM Inventory is accompanied by a set of instructions for how individual team members might score the four elements or how the team together might produce the score (and note where there is considerable disagreement among team members regarding one or more of the elements).
Instructions are also provided regarding how to score the inventory, graph results from the inventory, and lead subsequent conversations regarding implications of findings from results obtained. A brief essay on team design complements the TEAM instructions.
JT 2. RISE Inventory
This assessment instrument enables an employee to determine and influence the environment in which they are operating so that they might be most effective. Four elements of the employee’s job are identified, several of which the employee controls and several that the employee doesn’t control. Two of the elements concern the resources that are provided by the employee (supply) and several are provided from outside (demand).
The four elements are
• Responsibility (external/demand) (R),
• Intentionality (internal/support) (I),
• Support (external/demand) (S) and
• Enablement (internal/demand) (E).
Each element has both a formal and informal foundation and is rated regarding both formal and informal foundation. With scores for all four elements and lines drawn between the two supply and two demand elements, employees can determine the extent to which their job is “designed” in a manner that tends to enhance performance or diminish performance.
The RISE Inventory is accompanied by a set of instructions for how employees might score the four elements. Their supervisor might also be encouraged to complete the inventory with regard to their subordinate’s job. Comparisons between these two ratings can be drawn during a subsequent conversation.
Instructions are provided regarding how to score the inventory, graph results from the inventory, and engage in subsequent reflections regarding implications of findings from the results obtained (potentially in conjunction with a coach or consultant). A brief essay on team design complements the RISE instructions.
- Posted by William Bergquist
- On April 18, 2023
- 0 Comment