Home Journals Edge of Knowledge Issue Two: Clinical Psychology in Singapore

Issue Two: Clinical Psychology in Singapore

25 min read

The Documents

Here are brief descriptions of and links to the living documents contained in this issue of The Future of Professional Psychology:

Individual Psychotherapy in Singapore

Individual Psychotherapy In Singapore

The nature and scope of psychotherapeutic practices in Singapore are largely dependent on the settings in which these practices are engaged. Specifically, is the psychotherapy being provided in a family service centre which is funded by the Government or is it being provided in a private setting with the client paying for the services being rendered. Clients do not have to pay for services for Government funded centre. There are pro and cons in deciding between Family services centre or private centre.

Couples Therapy in Singapore

Couples Therapy in Singapore

As in the United States and other Western countries, couples in Singapore seek out therapeutic assistance in addressing their major, unresolved issues which is mainly revolved around the family of origin.

Group Psychotherapy in Singapore

Group Psychotherapy in Singapore

Group therapy in Singapore differs slightly from the way it is offered in western countries. The person being interviewed noted that there are different group dynamics in different cultures. In Singapore, groups provide psycho education and act as a support in normalising experiences of the group members.

Psychodiagnostic Assessment in Singapore

The Status of Psychodiagnostic Assessment in Singapore

Several of the common assessment tools used in the social services Centre in Singapore include the Functional Assessment Screening Tool (FAST), Sector Specific Screening Guide (SSSG) Child Abuse Reporting Guide (CARG). These tools are mainly used to assess the family and Children.

 Health Psychology in Singapore

Health Psychology in Singapore

Several addiction issues are common in Singapore. These include gambling, alcohol and internet usage. Therapies involve not only the Client but also the affected family member.  Group therapy is also often provided to the Client.

Developmental Life Stages Of Singaporians

Developmental Life Stages of Singaporians

Differences between gender were found when Singaporeans reach different stages of their lives.

Psychopharmacology in Singapore

Psychopharmacology in Singapore

During this interview alternative therapy for mental health disorder or emotional issues are explored. Western herbal medicine is described as a way to treat someone holistically using herbs or plants.

Managing Stress in Singapore

Managing Stress in Singapore

While stress is a world-wide phenomenon, it has some unique properties when confronted in Southeast Asia — and particularly in Singapore with the strong interest in this country on achievement (at all costs).

Multi-Cultural psychological Perspectives and Practices in Singapore

The Multi-Cultural Psychological Perspectives and Practices in Singapore

Singapore is often considered the cross-roads or intellectual and cultural hub of Southeast Asia. Although small in size and population, Singapore is a city-state that is filled with inter-mingling cultures–including in the domain of professional Psychology. Here is an interview conducted by Dr. Lian-Ya (Katrina) Wong with Drs. Mirasol Delmar and Dr. Sunita Rai. Both of these clinical psychologists can speak with considerable authority about the cultural intermingling of professional psychological perspectives and practices in Singapore. Dr. Delmar lives in Jakarta Indonesia and immigrated from the Philippines in her early 20s. She works in both Indonesia and Singapore as Director of TASE. Dr. Rai lives in Singapore—yet brings her Indian heritage to the work she is doing with her clinical patients. In this interview, Dr. Wong is joined by Dr. William Bergquist, President of the Professional School of Psychology.

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