Home Societal / Political Freedom How to Turn Loneliness into a Multi-Trillion Dollar Business: A Perspective on China from the Writings of Erich Fromm

How to Turn Loneliness into a Multi-Trillion Dollar Business: A Perspective on China from the Writings of Erich Fromm

13 min read

As a consequences, people from MAO era turn to have a passion on this ‘simple time’, which in it, the decisions were made by the public, the idea of Individualization and personal achievements were replaced by repeatedly work and people’s communes.

In addition, 18.8 trillion US dollars were transacted on mobile Internet in China at the year 2017, as this technology includes all transactions: wholesale, channels, retail, online, offline, going into a shopping mall or going into a farmers market, the totally transaction is larger than the country’s GDP (Lee, 2018).

Mass Movements

There is more convenience for human beings because advanced technology and computer science are developing rapidly. However, modern telecommunications such as mobile phone has isolated humans from their natural response, and connected human experiences exclusively to mobile devices.

“By alienation I project an experience, which potentially is in me, to an object over there. I alienate myself from my own human experience and project this experience on something or somebody outside, and then try to get in touch with my own human being, by being in touch with the object to which I have projected my humanity” (Fromm, 1955).

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