Home Personal Psychology Psychobiographies Brief Interlude at the Bookstore or Apropos of Nothing Much

Brief Interlude at the Bookstore or Apropos of Nothing Much

9 min read


John Grisham’s dedication in the above book reads:

“When A Time to Kill was published twenty years ago, I soon learned the painful lesson that selling books was far more difficult than writing them. I bought a thousand copies and had trouble giving them away. I hauled them in the trunk of my car and peddled them at libraries, garden clubs, grocery stores, coffee shops, and a handful of bookstores. Often, I was assisted by my dear friend…”

I think the above quote, given to your classes, could be a two-edged sword. One side to encourage budding authors to persevere, practice, re-write, trim, revisit what they have written… and the other side to weed out the dilatants.

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